English Dutch and German Dutch translations

Using professional translations, you gain the trust of Dutch business partners and consumers in your products and underline your high quality standards.

What you get from me are excellent translations from English and German into Dutch, especially in areas such as online trading, IT and communications technology, materials and building materials, metalworking and automation technology.

You can expect professional translations delivered reliably and at competitive conditions.

Your text in the right hands – my language for your success!

Why are translations important?

Translations contribute to your success

Any company that wants to tap into foreign markets must decide whether to present its services only in English, or in the language of the country targeted.

Many go for the first option. They assume English is enough in the Netherlands and don’t bother with translations into Dutch.

But several studies have shown that the reality is different. According to this research, most people prefer to buy products and services in their own language – and the Dutch are no exception, despite their reputation as gifted linguists. That’s why translations are not an optional luxury, but key to your success in the Netherlands.

Translations – the facts

The data speaks for itself. The ELAN study funded by the EU found that small and medium-sized enterprises that invest in language services achieve 44.5 percent higher export sales. Companies that do without translations and other language services lose out on exports.

Possibly even more surprising, another EU study shows that 76 percent of Dutch internet users communicate in Dutch rather than a foreign language in their business dealings. Also worth noting is the study’s finding that 45 percent of Dutch internet users never buy from e-shops using any other language than Dutch. The message is clear: Dutch consumers overwhelmingly choose e-commerce in their own language.

Language has a crucial impact on online purchasing behaviour. That’s the conclusion of a US study conducted in eight non-English-speaking countries. Statistical tests reveal a strong connection between the time spent on web sites in a user’s own language and actual purchases. This means professional, high-quality translations pay off for you all round. to the top

Translations build trust

Dutch people are very discerning buyers. “Look and compare” (kijken en vergelijken) is their motto. They demand not only the right price, but also the right quality and service. And this can be communicated to them best in their own language.

A precise English Dutch or German Dutch translation is a great way to gain the trust of Dutch consumers and business partners.

Use my language for your success! to the top



CILT, the National Centre for Languages. (2006). ELAN: Auswirkungen mangelnder Fremdsprachenkenntnisse in den Unternehmen auf die europäische Wirtschaft. Requested by Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission.            PDF-Document

Sargent, B., Girardi, A. and Danielsen, J. (2007). Can’t read won’t buy. Presentation at the Global Information Industry Summit, Marriott, Berlin (GER), 5-7 September 2007.   PDF-Document

Scholz, U. (2008). Marketing in den Niederlanden. Presentation at the Fontys Internationale Hogeschool Economie, Venlo (NL). PDF-Document

The Gallup Organization. (2011, May). Flash Eurobarometer. User language preferences online. Requested by Directorate-General Information Society and Media of the European Commission. PDF-Document